At least 180K join GOP as Pa. primary nears

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER: …At least 128,000 voters statewide have changed their registration since Jan. 1 to join the party. Nearly 85,000 of them had been Democrats; 42,000 were independents or third-party voters. The GOP has also racked up 55,468 more first-time registrants.


The changes reflect what experts are calling an unprecedented number of party switches before a primary election.


That raises questions: Are Democrats and other voters flocking to the GOP in support of one of its three candidates? Or could they be plotting to stuff the ballot boxes for a Republican they think their nominee can beat in November?… (more)






  1. My guess is that the vast majority of Democrats are switching just for the primary and will switch back to vote democratic in November.

    Real “Turncoats” both times.

  2. I will wager they are going to vote for Trump. After the votes get counted in our primary we shall see. They aren’t voting for Kasich or Cruz. Hell, a reprobate like Corbett could do better than those 2 will.

    If we had an “open” primary instead of our 2 dinosaur parties running the show they wouldn’t have to do this. But I do know, unlike the false narrative of the only disaffected voters are white males and everything is fine in the Democratic Party and Hillary is the front runner and Bernie can’t win in the general election… Well, Kasich can’t rig PA like he did Ohio so PA may very well be the state that predicts the next election result.

    Let’s do the vote totals after the primary and if Trump gets the most votes and more than Clinton gets in her respective primary I am pretty comfortable predicting a President Trump. Ohio gets fixated on a lot but can anyone show me an Electoral College outcome where Clinton wins without Pennsylvania. Reagan won PA and ended up President.

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