Are post office branches necessary… anywhere?

The Intelligence Journal New Era headlined “Lititz post office savedand reports:  

‘’ ‘The downtown retail office will remain open’,.  Postal Service spokesman Ray V. Daiutolo Sr. said.

“The reversal, a surprise move by an agency that is planning to close thousands of post offices across the nation, pleased officials and merchants in Lititz.

” ‘I’m delighted,’ said Karen Weibel, who is president of Borough Council and was instrumental in the town’s effort to save the facility. ‘This certainly was a community effort, speaking in one voice.’ ”

How about “saving” the taxpayers?  With all due respect to local interests, putting off necessary and appropriate streamlining of the Postal Service  indirectly levies greater taxes on the general population. 

In other countries, postal service needs are privatized to super markets.    Certainly Staurffers could profit by setting up an area to handle the personalized needs of Lititz postal customers. 

NIMBY   (‘Not in my back yard’) applies here to preserving a post office.  But we cannot make buggy whips forever  (except for the Amish) and have government revenues available for more essential matters such as education and research.
