Are college students learning decency and fairness?

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS Op-Ed: In some ways the culture around us undermines the very essence of a liberal arts education. This is not confined to the humanities. Take global warming. You attend science classes and learn that the evidence overwhelmingly ascribes the rise in global temperature to greenhouse gas emissions…

In some ways the culture around us undermines the very essence of a liberal arts education. This is not confined to the humanities. Take global warming. You attend science classes and learn that the evidence overwhelmingly ascribes the rise in global temperature to greenhouse gas emissions…

Another luminary in Congress claimed that the theory of evolution is a conspiracy designed to prevent people from realizing they “need a savior” and that it comes “straight from the pit of hell.” What is striking is that the Congressman, a doctor by training, so easily chooses to repudiate his scientific background… (more)
