“…[President] Obama said that if House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did not produce an agreement later Tuesday, he would summon them back to the White House Wednesday.

“Boehner, in a televised appearance right after Obama, said Republicans, too, want to avoid a government shutdown but also want to achieve the largest spending cuts that are possible.

“’We believe cutting spending will help us create jobs in America,’ he said.”

WATCHDOG: Doublespeak is language that deliberately disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words.”

The true choice is more jobs with greater deficits or less deficit with higher unemployment .  President Obama and most economists agree that deficits should be reduced but such action must await the budget for 2012  / 2013 at which time the economy should have recovered somewhat, albeit we likely will still have unemployment above 6% rather than the desired 4%.

The last time we tried to cut deficits during an incipient recovery was 1936 and it put us right back into the Great Depression for four more years.

Updated: April 6, 2011 — 9:40 am