“Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele today called for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to resign his leadership position after it was revealed he had made racially insensitive remarks about then-candidate Barack Obama, saying that an apology was not enough…

“The book ‘Game Change,’ a behind-the-scenes chronicle of the 2008 campaign, said Reid had been ‘wowed’ by Obama and said that the country was ready for a black President, especially one who was “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

WATCHDOG: We confess that we too are “insensitive” because we don’t doubt that both aspects were factors in attracting white voters.  So what?

We recall reading that African-American women were pleased that Obama had married a dark complexioned woman.  We didn’t think anything more about that being inappropriate than what Senator Reid had to say.

Or is it that whites aren’t allowed to speak rationally about blacks and blacks about whites?  Haven’t we progressed beyond that now?  We thought the election of 2008 put such political correctness behind us.

Updated: January 11, 2010 — 3:02 pm