Antonin Scalia: Judge Richard Posner Lied In Judicial Philosophy Criticism

HUFFINGTON POST: ….Scalia, 76, the longest-serving justice and a leading conservative on the court, said Judge Richard Posner, of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, lied in a review in August of a book co-authored by Scalia.

In the review, Posner accused Scalia of deviating from his own strict, text-based approach to interpreting law when he struck down a District of Columbia handgun ban in 2008 by considering the legislative history behind the law.

“To say that I used legislative history is simply, to put it bluntly, a lie,” Scalia said in an interview with Reuters Editor-in-Chief Stephen Adler.

Scalia and legal scholar Bryan Garner were discussing their new book, “Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts,” published by West, a unit of Thomson Reuters…  (more)
