Anti-government protesters bolstered by ‘Day of Departure’ rallies

WASHINGTON POST:  The largely peaceful rally in Tahrir Square provided a much-needed burst of momentum for democracy advocates seeking to drive President Hosni Mubarak from power. Following two days of violent attacks by pro-government gangs, the demonstrators gathered unmolested for a “day of departure” under the watchful eye of army troops.

By the end of the day, Mubarak was still here. But the ruling clique appeared confused over how to respond to the grass-roots movement – which only seems to grow with each attempt to snuff it out – and there were indications that support for the president was wavering.

A group of about 30 Egyptian intellectuals, writers, business leaders and legal experts has met with Vice President Omar Suleiman and Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq in recent days. Members of the group have demanded that Mubarak turn over his authority to Suleiman, who would use it to manage a transition to democracy while Mubarak remains as a figurehead president until new elections…  (more)
