Another view of the James Street Improvement District

JSID have already crossed “the threshold”.  Regarding the trash can replacement ($700 per can, correct me if I am wrong), and lopping off the tree branches that so beautifully canopied the street and against the wishes of many of the residents, is a disrespectful way of crossing the threshold.

Ms. Riggs seems to see all and know all.  I find it amusing that she can blow into Lancaster, take a look and use the word manageable.  I think she may be confused regarding what she saw as manageable and, I hate to say it, but I believe it was the residents to which she refered.

I attended an all-women’s meeting where Ms. Riggs spoke and she mentioned the trashcans, lights, ambassadors on bicycles….and also informed me when I questioned the need for the Crossings…that like it or not, it’s a done deal.

We are not the “bones of the city”.  This is not a ghost town and I don’t remember the area covered by the downtown investment district as being a bad place that needed shaping up.

I challenge these visionaries to take their skills to Green Street, Chester Street, Howard Avenue, and roll up their sleeves and do something productive.
