Another leak in Kane case

PHILLY.COM: …The high court has asked the agency that oversees lawyers to consider disciplining Lanny J. Davis, one of state Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s lawyers, for making public a sealed order from the high court last month.
“This is some definition of leak,” Davis said. “I did it on the record, during a press conference, with all of the media.”

Davis gave reporters a copy of the court’s Jan. 21 order that blocked a Montgomery County prosecutor from bringing criminal charges against Kane. The court froze any action until it rules on Kane’s legal challenge to a special prosecutor’s investigation of her for allegedly sharing secret material…

Davis said Tuesday he had apologized for the disclosure, but said he had acted in good faith. He released the document only after a reporter had sent him a copy of a high court order unsealing documents in the case, leaving Davis to assume the ruling had been made public by the court… (more)
