Annie, get your own gun

SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE Editorial: In a 5-4 decision, the court upheld the federal law prohibiting the purchase of handguns by “straw purchasers” who pass them on to someone else…

Police in Pennsylvania, especially in major cities, long have sought a state law against straw purchasers to help them keep guns out of the hands of criminals or people with histories of mental illness. State lawmakers have declined, even after straw purchases have put handguns into the hands of people who used them to commit crimes, including the shooting of at least one police officer.

State lawmakers should use the Supreme Court decision as a cue to give police the tools they need to boost public safety without diminishing the right to bear arms… (more)


1 Comment

  1. This case was over a police officer buying a gun for a legal relative to take advantage of a discount offered to police. No worries, get your relative a gift certificate. Let your relative pick up the gun.

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