ANALYSIS: Snowden’s great escape

ALJAZEERA: …So, as Washington tries to detain the NSA whistleblower, strains emerge with Russia and China. What are the diplomatic repercussions of tracking down Edward Snowden?

Inside Story Americas, with presenter Shihab Rattansi, is joined by guests: Charles Kupchan, a former US National Security Council official and a professor of international affairs at Georgetown University; Edward Lozansky, the founder and president of the American University in Moscow; and Andrew Weiss, the vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

“Russians and Chinese often find that the US is on its white horse … and all of a sudden this information comes out that the US is engaging in surveillance … so there is a sense that the US is getting its just deserts here. And so I think that’s one of the reasons that even though Russia and China do not want have a falling out with the United States over Snowden, they see this as an opportunity to push back against what they see as overzealous democracy promotion from Washington.” – Charles Kupchan, a former US National Security Council official… (more)
