An Open Letter to the Penn State University Board of Trustees

November 10, 2011

To the men and women of the PSU Board of Trustees:

We, the public, understand that the firing of Paterno and Spanier is only the beginning of your investigation. There is much more to look into regarding this disturbing and far-reaching case.

As troubling as the allegations are, involving the sexual assault of minor children, there are also other aspects of the case that must be investigated. My hope is that your board will examine some of these questions.

Among areas of concern are:

  • Did former Centre County District Attorney, Ray Gricar, faced with a highly explosive case involving a Penn State icon, consult with the Attorney General regarding the Sandusky charges? The Attorney General in 2004 was current Governor Tom Corbett. The PSU board of trustees should subpoena all documents regarding Corbett’s contact with Gricar, who disappeared mysteriously in 2005, along with his computer hard drive.
  • Additionally, members of Gricar’s staff should be interviewed to determine if Gricar’s office indeed had information of additional allegations against Sandusky between 1998 and 2005.
  • Finally, grand jury investigations take a few years, typically. The release of the grand jury report came less than one week after Coach Paterno broke the NCAA record for Division I coaching victories. Was the release of the report intentionally delayed to enable Paterno to break the record? When was the investigation completed?

The name of your board suggests its enormous responsibility. You are entrusted to represent the best interests of one of the state’s most important educational and cultural institutions. It speaks to the very mandate of your jobs to investigate all of the important aspects of this case.

The role of the former Attorney General and and former Centre County District Attorney are two of those aspects.


Christiaan A. Hart Nibbrig


1 Comment

  1. Oh yeah, this will help. The “system,” that all this was reported to, is going to investigate itself, again.

    The board has already shown itself to be utterly clueless, or maybe not. In any event, don’t expect much. They are only concerned with containing the damage.

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