Amid budget impasse, Wolf faces prospect of losing chief of staff

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: Two weeks into a state budget impasse and six months into his first term, Gov. Tom Wolf faces the prospect of losing his chief of staff Katie McGinty to a U.S. Senate bid…

“A number of people are trying to convince her to run,” Wolf said. “I don’t know what her decision is going to be.”

Mike Mikus, spokesman for McGinty during her last campaign, said she attended a Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee function at Martha’s Vineyard this weekend. She will make a decision “soon,” Mikus said… (more)


1 Comment

  1. Tom “Quixote” Wolf needs to wake up and learn politics. He’s six months into his term with nothing to show for it but broken relations between his administration and the Democrats.

    No one with a career in Pa politics can stick with Wolf if they want to get anything done after he’s gone.

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