Al Jazeera’s Ayman Mohyeldin On Mideast Revolution


Egypt’s government banned his network and its military threw him in jail, but Al Jazeera English correspondent Ayman Mohyeldin says he feels vindicated as the country takes its first steps towards democracy…

Citing Fox News host Glenn Beck, who has conjured an elaborate conspiracy theory about a future Muslim Brotherhood-run caliphate looking to stretch across the Middle East with the aid of a grand Islamist-communist alliance, Mohyeldin quipped, “I wonder if he actually knows that Marxists and Islamo-fascists have nothing in common.”…

“You have to make a very clear distinction between the revolution and the post-revolution,” he argued. “Yes, in the post-revolution political atmosphere, Islamic parties can rise to power, you can have Muslim Brotherhood parties become players in Egypt’s political arena. That does not mean that the revolution was led, or started, or was an Islamic revolution started by the Muslim Brotherhood.”

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