Al Jazeera makes major U.S. expansion

USA TODAY:  Seven years after it arrived in the U.S., Al Jazeera is putting up its sign.

As it launches a major expansion to become a full-fledged cable news channel in the U.S., the Middle East-owned network believes animosity toward its sister Arabic-language news operation has waned. Or at least it has dissipated enough to allow Al Jazeera to splash its name across its new Washington broadcast center, which is currently housed in a dingy, unmarked office building.

With the $500 million purchase of Current TV from former vice president Al Gore and other investors last year, Al Jazeera bought a place on cable boxes in 41 million homes. Now the network plans to grow from a news operation of 13 people to 200 people working in cities across the country…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. Welcome Al Jazeera. I look forward to comparing your Arabic broadcast to you English broadcast. Perhaps you will tell us how you manage to arrive ahead of, and set up equipment prior to those “death to America” demonstrations we see so often. We hope you will translate into English those “We must kill all the Jews.” speeches that emanate from the middle east so we may improve our understanding of the region.

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