Al Gore: Optimist?

POLITICO: …But toward the end of his presentation, Gore adds a new twist, another element that his slide show lacked nine years ago: Good news. If the biggest change from the 2005 version is proof, the second-biggest is legitimate grounds for optimism.

Now there are graphs showing how wind and solar prices are plummeting while wind and solar installations are soaring, how global investment in renewables exceeds investment in fossil fuels, how “green bonds” have expanded 1,500 percent in two years. There are images of solar panels on a grass hut in Africa and in a slum in Bangladesh, where two new solar systems are deployed every minute. There’s one of Gore with one of those clunky 1980s mobile phones, the point being that no one expected them to get so ubiquitous so quickly, either.

“You know when you’re at a football game and the momentum shifts, and you can just feel it in the stadium?” Gore asked the trainees. “Well, the momentum is shifting! We’re winning! We’ve got to win faster, but we’re winning!” … (more)
