AG wants to remove 3 leaders of Hershey Trust


PHILLY.COM: In a sign of the continuing chaos at the top of the $12 billion Hershey charity, the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office is seeking the resignation of three long-standing board members at the Hershey School for poor children, according to a letter from the office obtained by the Inquirer…

The resignations would amount to an overhaul of the 10-member board that runs one of the nation’s richest charities.

The letter asks the Hershey Trust directors to reduce board compensation, which it said exceeds its own rules, and asks members to personally bear the cost related to an internal conflict-of-interest investigation… (more)


EDITOR:  Long over due!  See Bill Keisling’s Fixing the Hershey Trust: What if Milton Hershey came back today?” from Feb. 5, 2013




