After Iran, U.S. presses for solution to Syrian civil war

POLITICO: …A key factor is the weakening position of Syrian ruler Bashar Assad, who is losing territory and military strength to a variety of opposition groups. Worried that Assad might soon topple to Islamic radicals, Russia, which sends Assad money and supplies, has recently signaled a new openness to easing its longtime ally from power.

Also crucial, the official stressed, is the direct military role Turkey has recently taken in Syria after years of watching from the sidelines. Although for now Ankara says it is only targeting the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, it is deeply hostile to Assad and its open involvement may be an ominous sign for the Syrian dictator’s regime.

Meanwhile Assad’s backers in Iran, which has sent billions of dollars along with Hezbollah fighters to buck up his regime, are open to discussing the issue with the U.S. for the first time, now that the nuclear deal is complete; dialogue with Tehran on the subject “was basically impossible before we had the deal,” the official said… (more)
