Afghanistan: President Karzai Pact With India Angers Pakistan

HUFFPOST:   Afghanistan signed a strategic partnership with India on Tuesday, a move likely to enrage neighboring Pakistan at a time when its relations with the Afghans and the West are sharply strained over alleged links of its spy agency to militants blamed for high-profile attacks across the border.

The Pakistanis consider India their chief adversary in the region, and the two countries have fought three major wars since the two were carved out of British India in 1947.

The strategic pact is Afghanistan’s first with any country, and its timing sparked speculation of a shift in regional alignments after Afghan President Hamid Karzai chastised Pakistan for failing to act against Taliban-led insurgents based in Pakistan…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. Interesting Chess game. Actually the game of Checkers or Leap Frog would be a better metaphors for what is happening in that region.

    First we take out Irag and Afghanistan to surround Iran and install permanent military bases there (99 year lease of Bagram Airbase). We may be leaving but we are staying. So Pakistan, plays the spoiler in Afghanistan, so we leap frog over them with an Afghan security agreement with India (the same India that borders China).

    Turkey was meant to checkmate Irag for Israel but that is becoming undone while Turkey now goes to Egypt to scare Israel.

    Egypt is reconsidering its peace accord with Israel and that front opens up even before our shipment of “bunker buster” bombs arrives in Israel to scare and de-nuke Iran.

    On top of all this the Palestinians still keep demanding an independent state and are securing allies around the world to advance that effort.

    So, the pot continues to boil as we sink deeper into our own enmeshment “strategy” while running out of cash to manage everything and keep the oil flowing.

    Meanwhile US citizens have taken to the streets to demand a brand new strategy to manage our own country which is daily falling more apart with recession part 2 on the horizon. Where is Sarah Palin when we need her?

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