Are you aware that Sadler’s ex-wife has written a book about the domestic violence she suffered at his hands, “Abuse Hidden Behind the Badge?” Why is no one in Lancaster addressing this outrage?
Domestic violence calls are one of the most frequent calls police officers respond to.
I am truly thankful for so many who are trying to bring justice for so many. Awareness is a word I do not use anymore. It is time for accountability, justice, acknowledgement.
Thank you again for your compassion and understanding for so many.
Both the police department and the legal profession harbour a large percentage of abusers. Since both police and the legal system are also the means of protecting abuse victims – the level of fear and apprehansion in abuse victims in reporting abuse is prohibitive to many women. I wrote a book about women locked into abuse with power-driven men – “The Affluent Abuse of Women.”
Thank you Anonymous, for writing your book of women locked in abusive power driven men!!
Just to be the devils advocate. Just perhaps – I say perhaps – I don’t know.
maybe he’s not guilty.
Certainly if these are true victims of violence we stand with them yet it is common knowledge that “The police department and legal profession harbor a large percentage” of false accusers. And so does the publishing world. Compare the books published and fed to critical mass about women victims compared to the books about the male victims of false accusations. There are many more of the latter.
Guys like Keith Sadler sit on domestic violence boards (has he sat on Lancaster’s?) and get kudos and advancement and money for supporting the “every mans a perp” propaganda. If anything the book’s likely why a guy on track to be police commissioner in Phily comes to Podunk Lancaster and stumps his career. Rick Gray should have vetted this and outed it as an accusation long ago.
If he is guilty then shame on his hypocrisy and convict him – its easy to do and all the money and political correctness are on that side of the equation. All she has to do is say so and he’ll be considered guilty as is the paradigm in America – As demonstrated by the posts above. Sounds like he’s convicted because she said so.
To Anonymous who commented on the last post. I am [the author]. I am self published and anyone who knows about self publishing, will know all of your money goes into the book. I received volunteered help. I had many who invested in my story. My reason for finally telling my story was not to try to destroyed his position as your Chief, he did that all by himself by covering up the truth.
Imagine, having to always look over your shoulder? Imagine being threaten? I walked into a dinner in Philadelphia and was harassed by his now wife. Did I file a complaint? Oh yes I did. Many in society find it so difficult to believe a law enforcement officer is capable of abuse. Many like myself have and will continue to live in fear. My book has been out since 2010, many in Philadelphia are very much aware who my abuser was. I am free, free from the abuse, I will not be silenced. My responsibility is to help other’s.
Thank you.
All I’m saying, There are many “volunteers”, people to “invest” and support for the woman who makes the accusation but none for the falsely accused man. As you see, people automatically give you victim status with the first whisper of an accusation against a man. You are riding on political correctness… the pendulum has swung and the line broken.
I’m sure you are as outraged as I that so many women lie and take advantage of the real victims (such as yourself right?) to hurt men. Men live in constant fear once they are falsely accused and thrown in jail. Do you hear anything… any concern or outrage for them? They get put in jail, raped, beaten, murdered and who cares?
If Keith Sadler is an abuser I will do a story on him myself. But I’m not just taking your word because you say so. I know that makes me a bad man in today’s America but I’ll live with that.
Oh no Anonymous, I respect how you feel and I agree. So many false accusations….I have advocated for men, we are all suffering. Scary how many are afraid, many knew he was hitting me.
A neighbor where we raised our children contacted me on Facebook, she did not think I remembered her but…I did of course. This young woman who was a little girl remember hearing my screams. I became emotional because the child remembered the sounds of him banging my head against the bathroom wall. I am outraged, how many lie…….May I share a bit with you….I remember each time your chief would hit me in the face, I would say ; “one day you will cause me permanent damage.”
I had Retinal Detachment surgery in March of 1999. I pity Keith. Why you ask, in his mind he felt he did nothing wrong. You are not a bad man, you are a cautious man. Many in Lancaster, called me a liar, evil, vindictive or as one said, I sold my soul.
I had a protection order and I dropped the order to receive financial help, my daughter was still at home and expecting her first child. If many feel I sold my soul for money, I sold my soul for my child and the baby she was going to bring into the world. More then anything, I gave up my protecting and there is not a day I regret not protecting myself and my children.
If Keith hit your head against the wall he’s that bad guy the rest of us get punished for and we dislike him as much as you!
Devil’s Advocate,
Why is it that when victims of officer involved domestic violence are brave enough to step forward, that people who haven’t a clue about the situation suddenly jump to the conclusion that the victim is lying…or perhaps seeking revenge?
I have worked with crime victims and domestic violence victims for over twenty-years. Never were the stories questioned…but an oidv [officer involved domestic violence] victim steps forward and everyone questions her. Perahps you could share some light on this for us?
Why did you feel compelled to come onto this site and acuse the victim of lying? Do you question other victims of crimes…or just oidv victims?
And just who the heck are you, to believe that an oidv victim needs to explain themselves to you?
P.S. When is your book on the OIDV committed by Keith Sadler due out?
I have a question? How many victims protected their abusers? How many lied about what happened to them out of fear? How many prayed and thought this person would stop hurting them? How many are they? No, if’s and, or but….I know and many more knew of the abuse I suffered.
Hello, thanks for surfacing, was fishin for you here.
I’m No friend of law enforcement or Keith Sadler. He has done nothing for the falsely accused and his force plays all too well that DV [Domestic Violence] game.
You say… “I have worked with crime victims and domestic violence victims for over twenty-years. Never were the stories questioned…”
WOW that says it all, thanks for making my case.
“Stories” when they amount to accusations in law should be questioned. It’s called due process via the 14th amendment written by Thaddeus Stevens right here in Lancaster PA.
Now that you have surfaced please answer us this…
In your twenty years how many false accusing women have you outed, brought to law enforcement and helped prosecute for their criminal perjury and false swearing? ZERO?
You would have certainly involved in thousands of cases where you assisted prosecuting those bad men right? What of the cases where women used false accusations for advantage in divorce/custody. Did you suborn their perjury and assist them navigating the system with their lies? How awful that would be if so!
Can you understand some might feel you [“Paid DV industry people] are the gatekeepers who should watchdog for just, honest and fair treatment. That you have become nothing less than a full fledged feminist industry attacking/besmirching men through discriminated courts, government agencies, private non-profits, etc. That you have enriched yourselves through waging outright war on men in America and the taxpayers have been duped into paying for discrimination.
Tell us what anyone of the leaders of the DV industry have done for the falsely accused man in the past thirty years? Name them and show the statement and march they held for the millions of victims of your agencies. How about the children who are thrown into abusive homes based on gender? Any concern for them you can point us too?…
So many suffer even when it’s not a police officer. I think sometimes it’s a bro thing. Men like to stick together. We can vote but we still pay the price. Love ya Rosa.
“It’s a bro thing”
So all abusers are men?
Questions 4 U
Why is there higher incident of DV in lesbian couples if men are more violent?
A new DV law was passed to protect under 18 year olds. The highest # of applications and protective orders were cases where a young lady took out a protective order against another young lady… How is that?
Many studies including CDC conclude that women are just as likely or more likely to initiate partner conflict including physical contact. Do you deny that women are just as good and just as evil as men?
On a prison TV show last week I saw an inmate state that (paraphrased) “Women are more deceitful, manipulative, back-stabbing and diabolical than men who just fight it out.” She went on to state that women in prison will thereby rat each other out and even set each other up by planting drugs or false accusations, instead of fighting. Would that apply to protective order abuse in your opinion?
When a woman shot her husband with two guns from behind when he was shaving the DV industry stated that was not violent murder and she was not a perpetrator of domestic violence. Do you agree? They attended the trials with purple domestic violence ribbons cheering when she was found innocent.
Is there any legitimate reason for a man to kill his wife with two guns while she’s shaving?
Can you explain how money for fighting against domestic violence should be used to help killers get off free and use them as heroes in twisted propaganda?
So what’s going on? Is it a “sis thing”
Now here’s the Whammer Jammer!!!
Why don’t you include children abused by women in domestic violence? How could you erase those children?
I came up with a new saying. I think you’ll like it.
Real Women Put Children First!
Through my talks to women and men, yes men. I have made it a point that domestic violence affects all of us….Not just children and women, yes men also. We forget how the children who witness domestic violence are damage. This is not a race, or gender issue or even a political issue. Domestic Violence is a people issue. So many children, women and men carry the scars of abuse. It saddens me that I have to included the children who, were abused by Sandusky. These young men will always live with the memory of what happened to them, and how they felt alone and no one listened to their cries.
I never erased any children, when I hear of a child being killed and abused, I break down and cry. I feel I need to protect all of them! ! My own children have protected -Keith because of his position, so many protected the abuser because of the position they hold in the public eye. I was informed that me coming out and saying what happened to me by your chief, does not matter. The people in Lancaster does not care. I am okay with that, I will not stop helping and speaking out for all, children, women and men who, are victims and survivors of Domestic Violence.
May I emphasis on something, until our Government and Justice Systems holds all, not just men, all ACCOUNTABLE for the abuse they have inflicted on the victim; nothing will ever change. I truly believe not even in my life time, domestic violence will come to a end but….Can we, yes we put a dent in it!!! Maybe working together we will save more lives.
Hmmm thanks for surfacing? You were fishing for me? I’m not sure how I should take this comment. You can find me anywhere.
Why fishin…
For years been trying to get anyone from the DV industry to answer these questions.
They always run, make false accusations and try to have me arrested for daring to ask.
And again, You didn’t answer the questions.
That is the problem – Billions of dollars to feminist Domestic Violence programs per year for decades and they have never had to account or answer any questions.
That is a formula for corruption.
They are very loud and available when they make propaganda but deaf mute when it comes to justice and truth.
They are destroying children, men and the American family and you the taxpayers are paying through the nose.
BTW They make way too much money.
The tax funded assault upon American men and children to enrich feminist continues unabated.