Absentee ballots may offer a way around Pennsylvania voter ID law

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER… Though Pennsylvania’s new voter ID law requires anyone showing up at the polls in November to produce an approved photo identification, voters may not need a photo ID if they vote by absentee ballot or by alternative ballot, the term used when the voter is 65 years old or handicapped and has an inaccessible polling place…

Either ballot can be applied for by mail, sent to the voter’s registered address, filled out by the voter, and then sent back to election officials by mail well in advance of the Nov. 6 election…

Applications for absentee and alternative ballots, as well as detailed descriptions of the new voter ID law, are available on a state-administered website, www.votespa.com, under the heading “Resource Center.”…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. This is the same solution for those who feel the need to bear arms while voting and claim their rights are being infringed.

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