A well crafted political hit job

First let me compliment the writer [of “Sestak not forthright concerning job offer”] for a well crafted “hit job” in the last days of a very tight political race. The compliment is much the same as I would make to a a brilliant jewel thief; well done, however dishonest.

Lets start at the beginning; Joe Sestak said he was offered a job by the White House if he quit his primary challenge against Arlen Specter. He also said he declined the offer. Both statements have been confirmed and documented, first by the White House admission concerning the offer, and second, by the direct evidence that he declined the offer to quit the race in that he did run in the primary. So nothing here except the absolute truth from Joe Sestak about the major two facts of the case; a White House offer was made and Joe Sestak declined.

So, next, this very clever and very professional writer “suggests”, with the clear insinuation of a charge, (without offering any documentation) that Sestak may have lied when he confirmed the White House and Bill Clinton’s statements. What? Why would he lie about what he had said all along? But, Ah, says the writer, he may have lied about the nature of the specific offer made. How would the writer know that? What evidence does he offer? None.

So the writer ends this very clever “hit job”, not with a logical or in any way documented conclusion (he documents only what is readily admitted), but with a completely unjustified and actually demonic suggestion, (still cleverly not a direct charge), ‘Why would anyone want to have a known liar representing them in the US Senate?” Absolutely outrageous!

But for all his (or her) cleverness the writer completely gives away his political/ideological bias by throwing in, as an equal question, “Why would anyone want to have (a lifelong government employee) representing them in the US Senate”. I suppose being a liar would, in his view, be equal to being a Policeman, Fireman, School teacher, Judge, career soldier, or any number of “lifelong” careers in government.
