A war for women’s votes in Pennsylvania’s governor’s race

POLITICO: … If Rep. Allyson Schwartz lands on the ballot against Gov. Tom Corbett in Pennsylvania this fall – still a big “if” ahead of the May 20 primary – it could turn the Keystone State into ground zero in the battle between Democrats and Republicans for women’s votes this fall. Each is itching to take on the other as an ideological extremist: Schwartz calls the incumbent’s stance on women’s health issues far outside the mainstream; Corbett’s allies believe they could paint Schwartz as an abortion-loving liberal from Philadelphia.

Democrats are charging the GOP is waging a “war on women” – a critique that dovetails with a larger national strategy to galvanize female voters and blunt the effects of Republican attacks on Obamacare. In Pennsylvania, women in Philadelphia and its suburbs – who generally are culturally liberal but economically more conservative – are the linchpin to winning statewide office.

In fall 2010, Corbett managed to split the female vote with his Democratic opponent on his way to victory. This year, Democrats believe he’s especially vulnerable on issues that are most important to women — education, health care, reproductive matters — whether his opponent is Schwartz or someone else. The governor recognizes the challenge, recently launching a “Women for Corbett” coalition… (more)
