A trolley ride to bankruptcy

Who in their right mind (qualifying prerequisite) thought of this [Streetcar concept] initially? The last thing Lancaster City / County needs is another drain on limited financial resources (tax dollars) to support a far-fetched vision of returning to the 1940’s.

Lancaster City will never look the way it did back then, and no amount of wishful dreaming will ever make that pipe-dream a reality. Leadership (such as it is) would be better served looking to the future, rather than the past.

Streetcars will follow the Convention Center down the same road to bankruptcy.


1 Comment

  1. I agree!! When Jack Howell started his tour of cities with streetcars in use (trips on his own dime, he noted) the cat was out of the bag. As he exclaimed over the fun of a bar run using a streetcar (see, it is a designated driver, how cool!) and other advantages of streetcar travel elsewhere, it was just a matter of time.

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