A tribute to the yet living Pete Seeger

On May 3rd, Pete Seeger was 94 years old. For more than 70 years, he used his talents to advance the causes of human justice. Whether it was the right to unionize, the struggle against McCarthyism, the fight for civil rights, opposition to nuclear power and so forth, Pete Seeger was there.

My wife and I saw Seeger perform. at a benefit concert in Vermont  for farmers five years ago. While his voice was gone, he still knew how to involve the audience.

We’re fortunate that his music lives on through records, tapes, C. Ds and videos.

His life is a role model for all of us.

EDITOR: Pete Seeger came to Oberlin College sixty years ago when I was as freshman or sophomore.   For the only time in my life, he had me standing, clapping  and singing along with the rest of the audience.  His warmth and  charisma flooded from the stage.

And I echo the letter writer in my respect for Seeger for providing a loving and needed voice for many worthy  causes.  He indeed is not only a great American, but a superb world citiizen and human being.  May he live eto 120.
