A tribute to PAM’s co-founders

The following is excerpted from a letter to Fran Veri and Michael J. Jamanis that was copied to our publisher:

“…You have built an extraordinary temple to music that will outlive all of us. More importantly, you have devoted the past twenty years to preaching the importance of early music education. This message has been heard loud and clear by the City of Lancaster, the State of Pennsylvania, and throughout the United States of America.

Your selfless and untiring devotion to providing quality musical education to children of all ages and abilities has inspired many thousands, if not tens or even hundreds of thousands, of people. And of course there are four decades worth of pupils you taught and inspired, all eager to ensure their own children and grandchildren receive the same quality music instruction they did.

“Nobody can take these accomplishments away from you. 42 N. Prince Street will always be the house that Veri & Jamanis built–a physical testament to the extraordinarily high standards of excellence to which you devoted yourselves first as students at Julliard, then as recording and performing artists, and finally as teachers…”


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