A Stretch to Insinuate a Conflict of Interest

I think the following question goes against Newslanc’s proposed mission: “Is there a coincidence that soon after the funding was raised largely from Lancaster’s Power Elite that Darcus took over the helm of the LCCCA and rammed the project through despite considerable opposition and all logic?” Perhaps the piece would have been more appropriate under an “Editorial” heading.

I would also like to express my disagreement with the letter to the editor entitled “Congratulations.”

It is a stretch at best to insinuate a conflict of interest between Mr. Morris, an occasional columnist, and Lancaster Newspapers, or to suggest he ought to resign as board chair because of Mrs. Henderson’s lawsuit. The cynic in me is beginning to believe that she included Mr. Morris in her lawsuit in an effort to remove him from the board and wreak havoc with the project. Simply because she filed a lawsuit does not make her accusations true, and until such time it is heard and a judgment proves otherwise, Mr. Morris ought to remain in his current position. Lastly, he is the most qualified member of the board to serve as chair. I have attended meetings for a long time and have listened to Ms. Douglas, as well. She has a solid business background and certainly contributes to the board, however in my opinion, Mr. Morris is more qualified to hold the chair’s position based on his education, engineering and business backgrounds, public service experience, and knowledge of the culture of the city. He has an ability to teach the public and also hold those involved in the project (including board members) accountable for their work. He may not be doing what you want him to do, such as working to change the contracts or suing to change the contracts, but that does not make him ineffective.

As usual there is no name to the author of the LTE which keeps them secretly comfy cozy. As I have commented in the past, the credibility of Newslanc as a serious news source is minimized by your not printing contributors names. But I do find it entertaining and enjoy the “unbiased” reporting.
