A mother praises ‘Daddy Justice’

Daddy Justice aka Ben Vonderheide is my hero. He is my modern day real life Super Man. How he does his reporting is effective.

If you are not violating the constitutional rights of others then Ben wouldn’t be  in your back yard. However with so many government agencies and courts violating the constitution. Ben is the one person who will stick up for the little guy or little girl in my case.

If it wasn’t for Ben, I wouldn’t be able to tuck my daughter in every night, I would not be able to hug and kiss her good bye on her way to school. If it wasn’t for Ben, I wouldn’t have the last 6 years with my daughter by my side, raising her into the beautiful little girl she is today.

Ben asked for no money, when he helped me and my family. He could have turned us away when we asked for help, as most did.   I tried every avenue to get my child back from the grasps of children and youth with no results.

Ben called them all out and I had my daughter back in a weekend. I have memories that I make with my daughter every day because of Ben Vonderheide.

I would not be able to wipe my daughter’s tears away when she is sad, I would have missed her first day of kindergarten, I would have missed taken walks to the park, going to the shore together, doing homework together and most important I would have missed her beautiful smile.

My daughters smile lights up my heart and a room. I wouldn’t have missed all the beautiful memories of my daughter’s childhood and her milestones, if it wasn’t for the brave actions of Mr. Vonderheide …

His bravery and dedication to constitutional rights of parents should be honored and praised. Ben is wonderful, kind and strong man. If you are doing something that you shouldn’t be doing or violating
constitutional rights then I would say Ben will catch you. If you are doing the right thing you wouldn’t need to worry about him showing up in your back yard.

I am a woman who supports Daddy Justice.

Go Daddy Justice.
