An AP gesture of fair play to Jerry Sandusky

Article “Judge delays January trial on Penn State sanctions” reports:

“HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP, Dec. 18) — A judge is delaying a trial on the legality of the NCAA’s consent decree that punished Penn State for its handling of sex abuse complaints about former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky…

The judge says she needs more time to resolve disagreements about which documents the NCAA must produce. She’s also requiring the NCAA to give her the documents under seal so she can determine if Corman and McCord should get them.”

And then concludes “[Jerry] Sandusky was convicted but denies molesting boys.

Usually when someone is convicted of a crime, let alone pedophilia, the media ignores the assertions of the defense.

Perhaps someday, perhaps a decade from now, someone who is well qualified will write an insightful book on the whole sorry mess.
