A design goal for the New Economy



  • Earth Balance between aggregate human consumption and the regenerative capacity of Earth’s biosphere. Achieving Earth Balance will require restoring our sense of place, reducing aggregate material consumption by eliminating wasteful and destructive resource use, and investing in restoration of healthy ecosystem function.
  • Shared Prosperity through the equitable distribution of real wealth and opportunity to secure for everyone access to the essential means for healthy and fulfilling lives. Achieving shared prosperity will require recognition that no individual is born with a natural right to a greater share of the common heritage wealth of society or nature than any other and that more equal societies enjoy greater physical and emotional health, stronger families and communities, less violence, and healthier natural environments.
  • Living Democracy through the active and equitable engagement of every person in making the political and economic decisions that bear on their health and happiness. It manifests the ultimate ideal of popular sovereignty—government of the people, by the people, for the people—and is built on the caring relationships of family and community. Its realization depends on acceptance of the moral responsibility of every individual to act with regard to the needs and well-being of others. …  (more)