A crisis of will

[In response to “SUNDAY NEWS”]

I did not read the Gil Smart’s but the excerpt you reprinted I sadly must agree with. Our cultural condition right now is more one of fear than of confidence, and a people who are afraid for themselves turn inward to a survival mentality that sees others as competitors for increasingly scarce resources. It is an irrational fear because never before has the world had more capacity to meet the fundamental needs of everyone.

The crisis is one of will. We do not want to do it and argue every kind of political, economic, and even religious, reasons for not responding to obvious needs. We demonize the poor and delight in pointing out their many and obvious sins. We, on the other hand, are not only oblivious of our own enormous faults, but make an actual virtue of our lack of decency and compassion as if we were appointed by God himself to bring the terrible fruits of his avenging justice upon the “wretched refuse”. Very sad indeed.

So, more than ever I salute your Watchdog ‘clarion call for decency and compassion” Lets get it back! My tail is wagging too.


1 Comment

  1. If you think government is the solution to this kind of societal problem, I pity you. And I fear for the future of our country.

    Nor do I agree with your statements like, “We do not want to do it,” “We demonize the poor,” etc. As a committed Christian and a conservative I find this offensive. You are doing your own demonizing of those who do not agree with your foolish and shortsighted belief that socialism is the answer to these problems. History says socialism only makes such problems worse.

    I really would like to know what it is about socialism makes you believe the myth that it will actually solve these problems. Can you demonstrate a successful example of a socialist society at any time in history? In fact, history is full of socialism’s failures.

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