A conjecture concerning Mike McQueary

[In response to “Was Mike McQueary a hero or a coward?”]

McQueary comes of like an opportunistic dupe who won’t state emphatically that he didn’t tell Paterno he saw a “rape.” He needs to be lie detector tested.

I sense he saw something and later when he heard the Corbett stooges were at PSU looking for tie-ins to the Sandusky case he evolved his testimony into something that finally gave Corbett what he needed to unseat Spanier at PSU. I don’t think McQueary thought it would hurt Paterno like it did and I really think McQueary wanted a quid pro quo for his testimony; he seems to feel he has been wronged and wants whistleblower status because he seems to feel he should be at PSU still coaching football, he probably thought he was going to be the head coach there some day.

Instead by giving Corbett what he wants and being unable to tell the actual truth under threat of perjury if he alters his original grand jury testimony (“extremely credible”) he goes down in history as the “guy who saw a child rape and did nothing about it.”
