A conflict of interest?

Someone said to me the other day that Kevin Fry was somehow linked to Suzanne High, Dale High’s youngest child/only daughter.
I did a little Googling a found out that the connection is between her husband, Kurt Schenck (Dale’s son-in-law) and Fry.
In essence Kevin is Kurt’s boss.
Does that create a conflict for Kevin?
Does it create the appearance of a conflict?


  1. Gee….Bernard Harris and Marv Adams must have some how missed this connection!!!!!

    In the immortal words of Gomer Pyle……”Surprise, Surrise, Surprise”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    EDITOR: Kevin Fry has devoted considerable time over the past few years to this thankless volunteer position. Just because there is some distant in-law connection is not reason in itself to doubt his integrity. Furthermore, this is not a matter between the Convention Center Authority and Penn Square Partners. Their relationsip was established by infamous agreements long before Fry’s involvement.

    It is now an issue largely among the LCCCA, county hoteliers and conceivably county tax payers.

  2. You like Gomer but I prefer Dana Carvey’s “Church Lady”…”how conveeeeeenient”.

    It is absolutely true that the crooked agreements came into being long before Fry; however, instead of insisting on revisiting them, he is content to sit back and watch Molloy lobby for a tax increase.

    Like so any other things in this incestuous project, it at least creates the appearance of a conflict in my mind. No open slots over at High Real Estate?

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