More questions after the latest porn email revelations

WITF: …speaking on WITF’s Smart Talk, Philadelphia’s former U.S. Attorney says he’s most concerned about cozy relationships.

“You have to have a good relationship with somebody to send them that. You wouldn’t just take a stranger and send it off and here judge, by the way here’s a dirty picture. So think about that relationship the next time the attorney appears before a judge. He’s got a familiarity and he doesn’t have to go too far,” says Vaira. “Here you have prosecutors who appear before them sending them private emails. Forget that they’re dirty pictures and so forth. They’re very confidential, which indicates that there’s a relationship that should not be.”

[Peter] Vaira says the judicial canon explicitly bars judges from close relationships with lawyers, whether they’re prosecutors or on the defense side… (more)

EDITOR: Now it becomes clearer the “ole boys club” Attorney General Kathleen Kane was up against as the first woman and first elected attorney general under the current constitution.


1 Comment

  1. Well here is hoping that they didn’t know who they sent them to or at least claim that defense and then they can be also charged with unsolicited obscenity. That should get them out of office.

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