China concerned about possible US patrols around islands

AOL / AP: China on Wednesday expressed “serious concern” about reports that the U.S. is considering sending military ships and planes to challenge Chinese claims to islands it is building in the South China Sea, and said it would resolutely defend what it considered its sovereign territory.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said the U.S. needs to clarify its stance on the matter and that countries should avoid “risky and provocative approaches to maintain the regional peace and stability.”

The Wall Street Journal first reported the remarks out of Washington, citing an anonymous official as saying Defense Secretary Ash Carter had asked for ideas about how to address China’s moves to reinforce islands it occupies in the strategically vital area. Plans under consideration included sending ships and aircraft to within 12 nautical miles of the built-up sites, the report said… (more)

If we recognize as part of China by remaining twelve miles off shore the islands that China creates in the South China Sea , we allow China piece by piece to gradually take possession of a critical water body bordered by Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam and control shipping throughout Asia. This is the gravest foreign policy challenge that the USA faces, bar none!

We might send a Navy frigate through the twelve mile zone around one of China’s recently created islands. But if we do that, we must be prepared to take every step necessary including all out war.
