5 takeaways from the Iowa caucuses

POLITICO: 1. Meet Ted Cruz, your new front-runner. The Texas tea party favorite has run a nearly flawless three-step campaign: 1) Keep out of Trump’s way to avoid the incessant abuse; 2) quietly marshal the support of evangelical voters; and 3) offer targeted attacks on Trump late in the caucus campaign to let voters know you can’t be bullied…

2. Hillary Clinton isn’t a very good presidential candidate. Bernie Sanders looks like a septuagenarian physicist caught in a wind tunnel and happily espouses a theory of big-government democratic socialism that had been thought forever killed during the Reagan years. But he understands, with a Cruz-like ear for his party’s base, that the politics of grievance are the politics that will succeed — at least in a primary in state like Iowa, where 43 percent of voters self-identify as “socialists.”…

3. Marco’s the man. Ted Cruz is the guy who may have put a 2-by-4 to Trump but Marco Rubio, who came within 2 percentage points of making the domineering developer into a third-place also-ran, might turn out to be the real long-term winner. Until Iowa, he was a talented but electorally rootless political prodigy who seemed to own no particular state or wedge of the Republican electorate, a perpetual No. 3 everywhere and on every subject…  (more)

EDITOR:  We don’t agree with #2.  She has had to handle Sanders very skillfully, so as not to antagonize an essential portion of her own political party.



1 Comment

  1. Wait until Hillary has to (finally) deal with a final FBI report on her e-mails…she may be permanently disqualified from running for any office.

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