5 Decades Later, Some JFK Probe Files Still Sealed

NEWSMAX / AP: That evidence was, of course, only part of the mountains of material considered by the committee, some of it from the CIA. And the CIA’s liaison to the committee was none other than George Joannides, by then retired from the agency.

G. Robert Blakey, chief counsel for a House investigation into the JFK assassination, recalled how the CIA brought in Joannides to act as a middleman to help fill requests for documents made by committee researchers. “He was put in a position to edit everything we were given before it was given to us,” Blakey said…

“They held stuff back from the Warren Commission, they held stuff back from us, they held stuff back from the ARRB,” he said. “That’s three agencies that they were supposed to be fully candid with. And now they’re taking the position that some of these documents can’t be released even today… (more)
