Richardson Didn’t Secure Release of Detained American in NKorea

NEWSMAX:  Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt failed to secure the release of a Korean-American held in North Korea during a controversial trip to the secretive state that ended on Thursday…

Access to the Internet is available to the government, the military and to universities but not the general public and users are supervised, [Schmidt] said.

“The government has to do something. They have to make it possible for people to use the Internet,” he said. “It’s their choice now, and time, in my view, for them to start or they will remain behind.” …  (more)

EDITOR:   Perhaps we are naïve, but we are glad they made the trip.  It is hard to tell at the outset how productive such a contact may prove to be.   Changes minds takes a long time and often only a new generation will be won over.  From our over two decades of labor in drug policy reform and encouraging harm reduction, we know that continuing efforts and perseverance in a good cause can eventually  prevail.
