EditorialThe inconvenient truth about Gore” opines:

“But like Gore’s campaign for president in 2000, Current TV flopped.”…

“Al-Jazeera is owned by the government of the oil- and natural gas-rich Persian Gulf state of Qatar.

“That’s right, Gore, the international alarmist on climate change, made millions for himself in a deal with the emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani.”

WATCHDOG: Concerning Gore’s 2000 campaign, he received half a million more votes thatn “W”.  Moreover, except for the misleading “butterfly ballots” in Palm County, he would have won Florida and the election.  In fact, had there been a re-count of all Florida votes, he would have won according to a consortium of reputable newspapers that reviewed the voting at a later date.  So did his campaign “flop?”

As for selling his cable network to an honorable news network, what is the matter with this?  What doesn’t the editors like about our free enterprise system?

Updated: January 10, 2013 — 10:58 am

1 Comment

  1. A Dec. 9, [1999] editorial in the Lancaster [Pa.] New Era even published the polished misquote that the Republican National Committee had stuck in a press release: “I was the one who started it all.”

    The New Era then went on to psychoanalyze Gore. “Maybe the lying is a symptom of a more deeply-rooted problem: Al Gore doesn’t know who he is,” the editorial stated. “The vice president is a serial prevaricator.”

    Leopard spots can’t change.

    [See link attached to Comment]

    EDITOR: The link exonerates Al Gore but, as importantly, shows how media misquotes then further misquoted can totally distort the meaning of what a person actually said.

    This was one of several distortions that deprived Gore of credit for his accomplishments and characterized him as a phony. This in itself, without the bad luck of the ‘butterfly ballots’ in West Palm Beach, Florida, tipped the Electoral College in behalf of “W”.

    Leopard, spots, can’t change.

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