Pundits Proclaim: Romney Passes ‘Commander-in-Chief Test’

NEWSMAX:   Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney may have exchanged a tactical defeat for a strategic victory in Monday’s foreign policy debate, losing on points to the president by most accounts but scoring a solid performance that left major pundits declaring he had passed “the commander in chief test” in resounding fashion…

“I think Mitt Romney did something very important to his campaign tonight,” former presidential adviser David Gergen told CNN. “He passed the commander-in-chief test.”..

[Pulitzer Prize winner Judith] Miller was struck by the degree of consensus between the two leaders on a wide range of foreign policy issues. She said that by taking that approach, Romney “reassured people who fear a return to a more aggressive path. People are sick of war, and I think he did that. He reassured people that he is as steady in foreign policy as he did in domestic policy. I think he passed that test.”…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. Mendacious Mitt

    (To be sung to the tune of the hymn Holy God, We Praise Thy Name)

    Mendacious Mitt, we praise thy name
    with worshipful rapture we hear you proclaim
    the heavenly dictum the bishops do tell
    “vote for Mitt or you’ll all go to hell”

    With adoring devotion we look up to you
    we’re your docile flock, we don’t have a clue.

    (posted by a prophet at the Pious Church of Holy Sanctimony)

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