412 Pennsylvania children have died from substantiated child abuse

PR NEWSWIRE:  Today, the Protect Our Children Committee (POCC) released Examining Child Abuse Fatalities to Improve Child Protection. The report reveals that 412 Pennsylvania children died as a result of substantiated child abuse between 2002 and 2011.

A fuller examination of a subset of 146 fatalities occurring between 2008 and 2011 discovered that:

  • 83% of the children died before they reached a 5th birthday;
  • 51% lived in a family active with or previously known to a children and youth agency; and
  • 64% of the fatalities led to the filing of criminal charges

Beyond the official 146 substantiated child abuse fatalities, POCC identified an additional 31 fatalities that resulted in criminal charges, including 15 cases in which convictions were secured. POCC’s review led to the conclusion that either: some or all of these 31 fatalities were not substantiated as child abuse under the state’s Child Protective Services Law (CPSL); or that cases were indeed substantiated, but for some other reason were not included in the Department of Public Welfare’s Annual Child Abuse Reports or state statistics…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. Here is my question.


    What % were killed by mothers and their paramours (as compared to fathers and theirs)?

    How many of those women got custody of their children by using the “VAWA” government system and false accusations? Remember its the violence against women act that gets funded not the violence against children act. [Feminist always put women before children of course].
    Why can’t we get this data?

    Should government “Feminist” programs automatically force children into abusive and murderous homes based on gender discrimination?

    Should we then hide those victims and protect their murderers because they are women and its not PC and may hinder funding?

    Shouldn’t someone somewhere be interested in protecting these children from those mothers and halting this process before it kills another child?

    How long will good fathers have to watch their children get abused, neglected and murdered while powerless against the feminist agenda and government gendercide.

    I have asked the DOJ, the Senate and House Judiciary committees and our local reps to find these #’s. No interest to date.

    Daddy Justice

    PS the department of justice can provide those numbers but they won’t. The VAWA hundreds of millions each year are given to the Justice Departments Office on Violence Against Women. Which ironically then carries out tax funded gender discrimination nationwide.

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