Clinton Urges Wisconsin Democrats to Vote out Gov. Scott Walker

NEWSMAX:  …Clinton told the crowd at a downtown riverfront park that the states recovering from the economic downturn are those in which members of both parties are working together.

“They are involved in creative cooperation, not constant conflict,” he said, later adding, “Cooperation works. Constant conflict is a dead-bang loser.”

Clinton’s comments were a clear dig at Walker after the state divided last year over the governor’s push to effectively end collective bargaining for most public workers. Walker and Republican leaders rammed his proposal through the state Legislature despite weeks of protests at the state Capitol and Senate Democrats fleeing to Illinois in an ultimately futile effort to block a vote…  (more)

EDITOR:  The same applies to nations!   Had Republicans cooperated with President Barack Obama rather than blocking every attempt over the past two years to stimulate the economy, we would be well on the road to economic recovery.  A healthy economy produces surpluses which can be utilized to pay down national debt. 
