Here is what is saying about the Kreider Farms this evening:

Ag Dept.: Kreider Farms meets all state standards

“Kreider Farms has shown “high and consistent standards” that meet top industry and state egg-quality standards, state agriculture officials said today.

“The state Agriculture Department issued a statement in response to charges of ‘deplorable conditions’ leveled Thursday by the national Humane Society against Kreider, the Manheim egg and dairy farm.

The agriculture department, emphasizing it takes charges relating to animal health and food safety “very seriously,” said the Kreider facility has passed every state inspection over the past five year.

WATCHDOG: Here is what and Intelligencer Journal New Era main front page story reported about Kreider Farms this morning:

Group calls Manheim egg farm ‘deplorable’

“Hens are kept in “deplorable conditions” at a Manheim egg and dairy farm, according to a report issued Thursday by the Humane Society of the United States.

“The allegations follow a six-week undercover operation at the Kreider Farms egg factory.

“According to the report, an investigation in February and March found severe overcrowding, mummified bird carcasses, thick layers of dead flies on the floor and other unsanitary conditions at a facility at 425 Indian Village Road.”

Suggestion to the editors of the Lancaster Newspapers:  Check with the official investigators before scandalizing a local business.   Few people actually read beyond the first three paragraphs.

Updated: April 14, 2012 — 12:20 pm

1 Comment

  1. Are you suggesting that LNP does NOT check it’s sources????????????? :>)

    “Toto, I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LNP continues to be a disgrace to true journalism!!!

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