In a column “Wild, wild Internet days”, and after a lengthily explanation of newspaper publication deadlines, Editor Marv Adams writes:
“I awakened Sunday morning, recovered from Saturday night’s adrenaline rush, to have it dawn on me — the editorial! In the light of day, I was hit hard with regret. The editorial page had been finished Friday and I was caught up in breaking events Saturday. No excuses. This error in judgment has made for some gloomy days for me.
“What we wrote needed to be said, but it could have been held for a later time.”
WATCHDOG: Marv Adams still doesn’t get it. It wasn’t the timing of the editorial that was offensive. It was his assertion:
“We are …in deep denial over the Sandusky child sex-abuse scandal, as some Penn State alumni show. The university does share in it, and Joe Paterno does NOT deserve an apology. He and others had an obligation to do more to protect children.”
The Watchdog responded.
Given the extraordinary number of letters to the Lancaster newspapers making our point that Joe Paterno did what was required and expected of him and any fault lay elsewhere, the only “denial” is by Adam. He should be blaming Gov. Tom Corbett for scapegoating Paterno in order to divert attention from Corbett failure as attorney general to timely bring Sandusky to justice.