Penn State board of regents fires Joe Paterno, president

USA TODAY:   The Penn State sex abuse scandal took a stunning twist Wednesday night when Joe Paterno was told his 46-year tenure as the Nittany Lions head coach is over immediately — going against his plan to finish out the season.

The announcement was made at a hastily called news conference on campus by John Surma, vice chairman of the board of trustees. Surma also said that Graham Spanier is out as university president in an unanimous action.

The removal of the coaching icon was greeted with tears and gasps among about 300 students watching on television at the student center. Students spilled into the streets, some chanting, “We want Joe back!” A television truck was turned over and some lamp posts were pulled down…  (more)

EDITOR:   It had to be.  But we suspect that we have only seen the tip of the iceberg.  This thing went on for over a decade and many were complicit.   As it has aptly been stated by experts on such matters, venerated institutions often are spared criticism and disclosure with tragic results.  (We need not look beyond how the media and public ignores the short comings of Lancaster General Health here in Lancaster to see such an example.)

Meanwhile, what did former Attorney General Tom Corbett know and when did he know it?
