For Top 400 U.S. Taxpayers, a Near-Record Year


America’s super rich, new IRS income data show, partied on right through the depth of the Great Recession. And they shared precious little of their good fortune with Uncle Sam.

In 2008, the IRS revealed last week, 400 Americans reported at least $110 million in income on their federal tax returns. These 400, in a year that ended with millions of Americans out of work and home, averaged $270.5 million each, the second-highest U.S. top 400 average income on record…

But 1955’s top 400 didn’t just make far less than 2008’s top 400. The rich in 1955 paid far more of their income in taxes than today’s rich. In 2008, the new IRS data show, the top 400 paid only 18.1 percent of their total incomes in federal income tax. The top 400 in 1955 paid 51.2 percent of their total incomes in tax…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: We can recall back in the ’70s when a net worth of a million dollars was very rich and earning a million dollars a year was super rich.  How times have changed.
