2016 landscape more welcoming for women, Clinton says

USA TODAY Interview: …In an interview Monday with USA TODAY about her new book, Hard Choices, published Tuesday by Simon & Schuster, [Hillary Rodham] Clinton said a woman running for president in 2016 (whether her or someone else) would encounter a different and friendlier political landscape than she did in 2008. Then, she faced sexist catcalls at some rallies and more subtle sexist jibes in a bid for the Democratic presidential nomination that was won by Barack Obama.

“It feels different,” she said in a conversation that ranged from her tenure as secretary of State to her perspective on Washington dysfunction. “It feels like our country, our society — we’ve gone through a learning process.” There would be “vestiges” of sexism, as President Obama has faced vestiges of racism, she predicted, “but I do believe it would not be as reflexive. It would not be as acceptable.”

She parries questions on whether she herself will run in 2016, the topic of fevered political speculation and a call she says she won’t make until at least late this year. But in words her supporters might want to turn back on her, she does offer advice for women with high aspirations: Toughen up. Then do it… (more)
