A half page article starting on page one, “John Fry ’found himself at F & M” discusses Fry’s efforts on behalf of the college and the City of Lancaster and permits Fry a forum to discuss his thoughts and accomplishments.  It is subtitled “As he prepares to leave for Drexel, he looks back on eight whirlwind years as president and the changes at the college and in him.”


Some of Fry’s controversial public actions were recorded to balance what otherwise was a farewell kiss.

Given his outsized concern for personal safety, he is wise to live in sedate suburban  Bryn Mawr rather than near the Drexel and University of Pennsylvania campuses close to downtown Philadelphia.

We repeat:  “Fry has a way of doing the best possible things in the worse possible ways.”  Fry needs to strive to do the best possible things in the best possible ways.  

He had better. He’ll be in the big league now.

Updated: June 13, 2010 — 7:15 am

1 Comment

  1. John will also be much closer to Federal District Court.

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