1 in 4 US renters must use half their pay for housing costs

AOL: More than one in four U.S. renters have to use at least half their family income to pay for housing and utilities.

That’s the finding of an analysis of Census data by Enterprise Community Partners, a nonprofit that helps finance affordable housing. The number of such households has jumped 26 percent to 11.25 million since 2007…

Construction firms are building apartment complexes at an annual pace of roughly 321,333 this year, according to the Commerce Department. The rising rental prices suggest that construction hasn’t kept pace with demand, according to economists… (more)


1 Comment

  1. I can’t speak for the rest of the country, but here in Lancaster the fastest rising housing expense, by far, is taxes. And we should all know that what is causing these endless tax increases is pensions for the new elites.

    When I rent a 2 unit apartment in Lancaster city, $300/month goes to taxes and fees.

    At least the 1 percenters usually get their money through people choosing to buy their products. With the new elite overlords, the public has no choice except to leave the state if they want to escape.

    Renters are further discriminated by sales tax charges on heating oil and denial of casino rebates on their property taxes.

    Mike Sturla pretends to be a man of the people, but he ignores half his constituency – people who live in rental housing.

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