0.00006% of State Dept. Emails Preserved

DAILY BEAST: Apparently, Hillary Clinton wasn’t the only person at the State Department who didn’t save her emails. According to a report from the Office of Inspector General, many at State did not properly preserve emails for record-keeping purposes. Of 1 billion emails sent by employees in 2011, only 61,000 were marked for “public record.” (This does not necessarily mean the rest were deleted.) While the report found that employees “have not received adequate training or guidelines” for preserving emails, it also noted that “some employees do not create record emails because they do not want to make the email available in searches or fear that this availability would inhibit debate about pending decisions.” Clinton has faced criticism for operating her own private email server and never using State Department email. The AP filed suit against the State Department Wednesday to turn over Clinton’s emails and other documents about her time as secretary of state.

Read it at Office of Inspector General
